Chief complaint

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Chief Complaint

The Chief Complaint (pronounced: cheef kuhm-pleynt), often abbreviated as CC, is a term used in medical practice to describe the primary symptom or concern that a patient presents with at a healthcare facility. The chief complaint is typically recorded in the patient's medical history and is a crucial component of the medical examination and diagnosis process.


The term "Chief Complaint" originates from the medical practice where "chief" refers to the primary or main reason, and "complaint" refers to the symptom or concern expressed by the patient.

Related Terms

  • Presenting problem: This is often used interchangeably with chief complaint, but it can also refer to the issue that led the patient to seek medical help, which may not be the same as the chief complaint.
  • History of Present Illness (HPI): This is a detailed interview prompted by the chief complaint, where the healthcare provider gathers more information about the patient's problem.
  • Review of Systems (ROS): This is an inventory of specific body systems performed by the healthcare provider to identify any symptoms the patient may be experiencing, which may or may not be related to the chief complaint.


In a medical context, the chief complaint is usually documented in the patient's own words. For example, a patient might say, "I have been experiencing severe headaches for the past week." The healthcare provider would then record this as the chief complaint and proceed with further examination and questioning to determine the cause of the headaches.

The chief complaint is a critical component of the medical record as it guides the healthcare provider's decision-making process regarding necessary tests, potential diagnoses, and treatment plans. It also provides a framework for the healthcare provider to structure the medical interview and examination around the patient's primary concern.

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