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Chick (pronunciation: /tʃɪk/) is a term commonly used to refer to a young bird, particularly a newly hatched or very young chicken. The term is also used more broadly to refer to the young of other bird species.


The term "chick" originates from the Middle English "chike", which is derived from the Old English "cicen". The term has been in use since the 14th century to refer to a young bird or chicken.

Related Terms

  • Chicken: A chicken is a type of domesticated bird, a subspecies of the red junglefowl. It is one of the most common and widespread domestic animals.
  • Hatchling: A hatchling is a young animal that has recently emerged from its egg.
  • Fledgling: A fledgling is a young bird that has grown enough to acquire its initial flight feathers and is preparing to leave the nest and care for itself.
  • Nestling: A nestling is a young bird that is not yet old enough to leave the nest and is still being cared for by its parents.
  • Brood: A brood refers to a family of young animals, especially birds, produced at one hatching or birth.

See Also

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