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Caveolin (pronounced: kuh-VEE-oh-lin) is a type of protein that plays a crucial role in the formation of caveolae, small invaginations in the plasma membrane of many vertebrate cell types.


The term "caveolin" is derived from the Latin cavea, meaning "cave" or "hollow", and the Greek -linos, meaning "flax" or "thread". This refers to the protein's role in forming cave-like structures in the cell membrane.


Caveolin is an integral membrane protein and a major component of the caveolae membrane. It interacts with various signaling molecules, playing a significant role in signal transduction. The protein is also involved in the process of endocytosis, a form of active transport in which a cell transports molecules into the cell.


There are three types of caveolin proteins: Caveolin-1, Caveolin-2, and Caveolin-3. Each type has a different distribution and function within the body. Caveolin-1 and -2 are most commonly found in endothelial cells and adipocytes, while Caveolin-3 is primarily found in muscle cells.

Related Terms

  • Caveolae: Small, flask-shaped invaginations in the plasma membrane of many vertebrate cell types.
  • Endocytosis: A process by which cells absorb molecules by engulfing them.
  • Signal transduction: The process by which a chemical or physical signal is transmitted through a cell as a series of molecular events.
  • Endothelial cells: Cells that line the interior surface of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.
  • Adipocytes: Cells specialized for the storage of fat, found in connective tissue.
  • Muscle cells: Cells that make up muscle tissue, they have the ability to contract, thereby generating force.

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