Canarium ovatum

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Canarium ovatum

Canarium ovatum (pronunciation: /kəˈnɛəriəm oʊˈveɪtəm/), commonly known as the Pili Nut, is a species of tropical tree belonging to the family Burseraceae. It is native to maritime Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea, and Northern Australia.


The genus name Canarium is derived from the local name 'Kenari' in the Moluccas, Indonesia where the tree is native. The species name ovatum is Latin for 'egg-shaped', referring to the shape of the nut.


The Canarium ovatum is a large tree that can reach up to 20 meters in height. It is known for its edible nuts, which are harvested and used in a variety of culinary applications. The nuts are also a source of oil.

Cultivation and Uses

The Canarium ovatum is cultivated for its nuts in the Philippines, where it is known as the Pili Nut. The nuts are used in a variety of dishes and are also processed into a sweet paste. The oil from the nuts is used in cooking and in the production of cosmetics.

Related Terms

  • Burseraceae: The plant family to which the Canarium ovatum belongs.
  • Pili Nut: The common name for the Canarium ovatum.
  • Moluccas: The region in Indonesia where the Canarium ovatum is native.
  • Culinary Applications: The uses of the Canarium ovatum in cooking.

External links


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