Canada's Pandemic Influenza Plan

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Canada's Pandemic Influenza Plan

Canada's Pandemic Influenza Plan (pronunciation: /ˈkænədəz pænˈdɛmɪk ˌɪnflʊˈɛnzə plæn/) is a comprehensive strategy developed by the Government of Canada to prepare for and respond to an influenza pandemic. The plan outlines the roles and responsibilities of federal, provincial, and territorial governments, as well as those of health care providers and individuals, in managing a pandemic.


The term "pandemic" is derived from the Greek words pan, meaning "all", and demos, meaning "people". "Influenza" is an Italian word that originally referred to any illness caused by an influence (influenza del freddo means "influence of the cold"). The term was later used specifically for the disease we now know as the flu.


The plan is based on the principles of public health, and includes measures to detect and assess the severity of a pandemic, manage its spread, and mitigate its effects. It also includes strategies for communication and coordination among different levels of government and health care providers.

Related Terms

  • Pandemic: A global outbreak of a disease.
  • Influenza: A viral infection that attacks the respiratory system.
  • Public Health: The science and practice of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities.
  • Government of Canada: The federal administration of Canada.

See Also

External links


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