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Button (medical)

Button (pronunciation: /ˈbʌtn/) is a term used in various medical contexts. It can refer to a small disc or knob sewn onto a garment, used for fastening, decoration, or a symbolic marker. In a medical context, it often refers to a small device implanted in the body for various purposes.


The word "button" comes from the Old French bouton (bud, button), itself derived from bote (bud).

Medical Usage

In medicine, a button can refer to several different things:

  • A Gastrostomy button is a device inserted into the stomach to assist with feeding.
  • A Button battery is a small battery that can be accidentally swallowed or inserted into the body, causing potential harm.
  • A Buttonhole technique is a method used in hemodialysis where a needle is inserted into the same spot each time, creating a "buttonhole" track.
  • A Button turbinoplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of the turbinates in the nose.

Related Terms

See Also

External links


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