Brooke Greenberg

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Brooke Greenberg (pronounced: brook green-berg) was an American girl who remained physically and cognitively similar to a toddler, despite her increasing age. This condition is often referred to as "Syndrome X" or "developmental inertia".


The name Brooke Greenberg is of English origin. "Brooke" is a popular given name in English-speaking countries and "Greenberg" is a common Jewish surname of German origin, meaning "green mountain".

Syndrome X

Syndrome X (pronounced: sin-drome ex) is a term used to describe Brooke's condition. It is not a recognized medical condition, but rather a term coined by her doctors to describe her unique state of arrested development. Despite living to be 20 years old, Brooke did not age beyond the physical size or mental capacity of a two-year-old.

Developmental Inertia

Developmental Inertia (pronounced: de-vel-op-men-tal in-er-tia) is another term used to describe Brooke's condition. It refers to the lack of physical and cognitive development over time. This term is not widely used in the medical community, but it accurately describes the symptoms Brooke exhibited.

Related Terms

  • Genetics (pronounced: je-net-ics): The study of genes, genetic variation, and heredity in living organisms. Brooke's condition is believed to be genetic in nature, although the specific cause is unknown.
  • Pediatrics (pronounced: pee-dee-at-rics): The branch of medicine dealing with the health and medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. Brooke's condition was managed by pediatric specialists throughout her life.
  • Endocrinology (pronounced: en-do-crin-ol-o-gy): The study of the endocrine system and its diseases. Brooke's condition may have been related to a dysfunction in her endocrine system, which regulates growth and development.

See Also

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