Breast cyst

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Breast cyst
TermBreast cyst
Short definitionbreast cyst - (pronounced) (breast sister) fluid-filled sac that forms in the chest, sometimes filled with a mixture of fluid and solid material. Breast cysts can occur in one or both breasts, and there can be more than one. 
TypeCancer terms

breast cyst - (pronounced) (breast sister) fluid-filled sac that forms in the chest, sometimes filled with a mixture of fluid and solid material. Breast cysts can occur in one or both breasts, and there can be more than one. Most cysts feel like a round or oval lump with a smooth, well-defined rim that moves slightly under the skin of the breast. However, some cysts are too small to be felt. Symptoms may include breast pain or tenderness, especially around the time of menstruation, or a clear or cloudy discharge of fluid from the nipple. Most breast cysts are not cancer and do not increase the risk of breast cancer. They can occur at any age but are most common in premenopausal women and in women undergoing menopausal hormone therapy

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