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Blue-green (/bluːˈɡriːn/) is a color that is a representation of the color that is between blue and green on a typical traditional old-fashioned RYB color wheel.


The term "blue-green" is a compound word derived from the words "blue" and "green". "Blue" comes from the Old English blǣwen, and "green" comes from the Middle English grene, which, in turn, comes from the Old English grēne. The term "blue-green" has been in use since at least the late 19th century and denotes a range of colors of varying hue and saturation.

Related Terms

  • Cyan: A greenish-blue color, one of the primary subtractive colors, complementary to red.
  • Teal: A medium to dark greenish-blue color.
  • Turquoise: A greenish-blue or pale sky blue color.
  • Aquamarine: A light bluish-green color that is lighter and more blue than aqua.
  • Viridian: A blue-green pigment, a darker shade of spring green.
  • Mint green: A light tint of green that is also a representation of the color of mint.
  • Sea green: A shade of cyan color that is a representation of the color of seawater near the shore.

See Also

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