Bio21 Institute

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Bio21 Institute

The Bio21 Institute (pronounced: Bio-Twenty-One Institute) is a multidisciplinary research centre specializing in medical, agricultural and environmental biotechnology. It is located in Melbourne, Australia and is part of the University of Melbourne.


The name "Bio21 Institute" is derived from the focus of the institute on biotechnology and its applications in the 21st century.


The Bio21 Institute was established in 2005 as part of the University of Melbourne's strategic initiative to promote research and development in the field of biotechnology. The institute was designed to foster collaboration between researchers from different disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, and engineering.


The Bio21 Institute conducts research in several areas of biotechnology, including molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, and drug discovery. The institute also collaborates with industry partners to translate research findings into practical applications.


The Bio21 Institute houses state-of-the-art research facilities, including laboratories for molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. The institute also has a nanotechnology lab and a drug discovery lab.

Notable Researchers

Several notable researchers have been associated with the Bio21 Institute, including Nobel laureates and fellows of the Australian Academy of Science.

Related Terms

External links


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