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Bendopnea (pronounced: ben-dop-nee-uh) is a medical term that refers to shortness of breath or difficulty breathing when bending over. This condition is often associated with heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases.


The term "Bendopnea" is derived from the English word "bend" and the Greek word "pnoia" which means breath. It was first used in medical literature in 2014 by Thibodeau et al. to describe a symptom observed in patients with advanced heart failure.


The primary symptom of Bendopnea is shortness of breath or difficulty breathing when bending over. This can occur when tying shoes, picking up objects from the floor, or during any activity that requires bending at the waist.


Bendopnea is often associated with heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases. It is thought to be caused by an increase in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) when bending over, leading to fluid accumulation in the lungs and difficulty breathing.


Diagnosis of Bendopnea is typically made through a combination of patient history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. The presence of Bendopnea can be an important clue in diagnosing underlying heart failure.


Treatment for Bendopnea primarily involves managing the underlying cause, such as heart failure. This can include medications, lifestyle changes, and in some cases, surgery.

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