Baystate Health

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Baystate Health

Baystate Health (pronounced: Bay-state Health) is a not-for-profit, integrated healthcare system serving over 800,000 people throughout western New England.


The name "Baystate Health" is derived from the organization's location in the "Bay State," a nickname for the state of Massachusetts due to its bays which touch upon the Atlantic Ocean.


Baystate Health was founded in 1983 and has grown to become one of the largest healthcare providers in western Massachusetts. It includes four hospitals: Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Baystate Franklin Medical Center in Greenfield, Baystate Wing Hospital in Palmer, and Baystate Noble Hospital in Westfield.


Baystate Health offers a wide range of services, including primary care, specialty care, and acute care. It also provides a comprehensive range of educational and research opportunities, including a teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

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