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Basin (medicine)

Basin (pronounced: /ˈbeɪsɪn/) is a term used in various medical contexts, often referring to a type of receptacle used in medical procedures.


The term "basin" originates from the Old French bacin, which in turn comes from the Late Latin baccinum, a word used to describe a type of dish.

Medical Usage

In a medical context, a basin is typically a shallow, open, flat-bottomed container, often round in shape, used for holding liquids or other substances during medical procedures. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as collecting biological samples, holding surgical instruments, or containing solutions for cleaning or sterilization.

Related Terms

  • Emesis Basin: A kidney-shaped basin used in medical settings, particularly in surgery and patient care, for the collection of bodily fluids or waste.
  • Surgical Basin: A type of basin used in surgical procedures to hold instruments, solutions, or biological samples.
  • Wash Basin: A basin used for washing, often found in healthcare settings for hygiene purposes.

See Also

External links


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