Basilar skull fracture

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Basilar Skull Fracture

A Basilar Skull Fracture (pronounced: /ˈbæsɪlər skʌl ˈfrækʧər/) is a type of skull fracture that involves the base of the skull, specifically the temporal bone, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, and/or ethmoid bone.


The term "Basilar" is derived from the Latin word "basis" which means "base" and the term "Fracture" is derived from the Latin word "fractura" which means "a break".


Symptoms of a Basilar Skull Fracture may include Battle's sign, raccoon eyes, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, and cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea.


Diagnosis of a Basilar Skull Fracture typically involves a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head.


Treatment for a Basilar Skull Fracture may involve surgery, antibiotics, and steroids.

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