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Banned (/bænd/), from the Old English bannan meaning "to summon, command, proclaim", is a term often used in the medical field to refer to substances, practices, or procedures that are prohibited due to potential harm or unethical implications.


In a medical context, to ban means to officially or legally prohibit something. This could be a drug, a procedure, a type of research, or a practice. The banning is usually done by a regulatory authority, such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the World Health Organization (WHO), after careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits.

Related Terms

  • Prohibited: Another term for banned, often used in legal contexts.
  • Illegal: Something that is against the law, which may include banned substances or practices.
  • Regulation: The rules or laws made by an authority to control how something is done or used.
  • Authority: The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.


  • Thalidomide: A drug that was banned due to causing birth defects.
  • DDT: A pesticide that was banned due to its harmful effects on wildlife and potential harm to humans.
  • Human Cloning: A practice that is banned in many countries due to ethical concerns.

See Also

External links


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