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Bakeware is a category of Cooking utensils used for baking. It encompasses a variety of tools and equipment, including baking pans, baking sheets, and baking stones.


Bakeware is pronounced as /ˈbeɪkˌwɛər/.


The term "bakeware" is derived from the English words "bake", which means to cook by dry heat in an oven, and "ware", which refers to manufactured articles of a specified type.

Types of Bakeware

There are several types of bakeware, each designed for a specific purpose. Some of the most common types include:

  • Baking Pans: These are typically rectangular, square, or round dishes used for baking a variety of foods. They can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, glass, and ceramic.
  • Baking Sheets: These are flat, rectangular pans used for baking cookies, breads, and other foods. They are typically made of aluminum or stainless steel.
  • Baking Stones: These are flat, heavy stones used for baking pizza and bread. They are designed to absorb heat and distribute it evenly, resulting in a crispy crust.
  • Muffin Tins: These are special pans with several small, round cups used for baking muffins or cupcakes.
  • Loaf Pans: These are deep, rectangular pans used for baking breads and cakes.

Related Terms

  • Cookware: This is a broader category that includes all tools and equipment used for cooking, including bakeware.
  • Oven: This is a type of appliance in which bakeware is typically used. It uses heat to cook food.

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