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Badminton (pronunciation: /ˈbædmɪntən/) is a racquet sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. The game is named after Badminton House, the estate where the game was first played in England.


The term "Badminton" is derived from the name of the estate of the Duke of Beaufort in England, where the game was first played in the 19th century. The estate was named "Badminton House" after the family's ancestral home in Gloucestershire.


In Badminton, players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponent's half of the court. Each game is played to 21 points, with players scoring a point whenever they win a rally regardless of whether they served.


The main equipment used in badminton are the racquet and the shuttlecock. The racquet is used to hit the shuttlecock, and is typically made of light materials like carbon fiber composite to allow for quick maneuverability. The shuttlecock, also known as a birdie, is a projectile with feathers or a synthetic equivalent attached to a cork base.

Related Terms

  • Racquet: The tool used by players to hit the shuttlecock.
  • Shuttlecock: The projectile that players hit back and forth over the net.
  • Net: The barrier that divides the court in half.
  • Court: The playing surface where badminton is played.

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