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Bacteriochlorophyll (pronunciation: bak-teer-ee-oh-klor-oh-fill) is a term used in the field of Microbiology and Biochemistry. It refers to a specific type of chlorophyll that is found in various photosynthetic bacteria.


The term "Bacteriochlorophyll" is derived from the words "bacteria" and "chlorophyll". The prefix "bacterio-" is derived from the Greek word "bakterion", which means "small rod". The term "chlorophyll" is derived from the Greek words "chloros" (meaning "green") and "phyllon" (meaning "leaf").


Bacteriochlorophyll is a photosynthetic pigment that is similar to the chlorophyll found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. However, it differs in the wavelengths of light it absorbs, which are typically in the infrared region, and in its molecular structure.

Types of Bacteriochlorophyll

There are several types of bacteriochlorophyll, including Bacteriochlorophyll a, Bacteriochlorophyll b, Bacteriochlorophyll c, Bacteriochlorophyll d, Bacteriochlorophyll e, and Bacteriochlorophyll g. Each type is found in different groups of photosynthetic bacteria and absorbs light at different wavelengths.


Bacteriochlorophyll plays a crucial role in the process of photosynthesis in bacteria. It absorbs light energy, which is then used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This process is essential for the survival of photosynthetic bacteria and contributes to the global carbon cycle.

Related Terms

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