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Autotopagnosia (pronounced: au·to·to·pag·no·sia) is a rare neurological condition characterized by the inability to identify or localize parts of one's own body.


The term "Autotopagnosia" is derived from the Greek words "autos" (self), "topos" (place), and "agnosia" (ignorance).


Autotopagnosia, also known as Somatoparaphrenia, is a form of Agnosia that affects the perception of one's own body. Individuals with this condition have difficulty recognizing or identifying their own body parts, despite having no physical impairments that would affect their ability to feel or move those parts.


The primary symptom of Autotopagnosia is the inability to correctly identify and localize parts of one's own body. This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as confusion over which hand is the left or right, or inability to touch a specific body part when asked to do so.


Autotopagnosia is typically caused by damage to the Parietal lobe of the brain, particularly the right hemisphere. This damage can occur due to a variety of factors, including stroke, brain injury, or neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.


Diagnosis of Autotopagnosia is typically made through a combination of clinical examination and neuropsychological testing. This may include tasks such as asking the individual to name or touch various body parts, or to perform movements with specific parts of the body.


There is currently no cure for Autotopagnosia. Treatment typically focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. This may involve occupational therapy, physical therapy, or cognitive rehabilitation.

See also

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