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Attach (/əˈtætʃ/), from the Old French atachier meaning "to fasten or tie", is a term used in various medical contexts. It generally refers to the process of joining or fastening things together.

In Anatomy

In anatomy, attach refers to the point where a muscle or ligament is connected to a bone or other structure. For example, the biceps muscle attaches to the scapula and radius in the upper arm.

In Microbiology

In microbiology, attach is used to describe the process by which a virus or bacteria adheres to a host cell. This is the first step in the infection process.

In Surgery

In surgery, attach can refer to the process of reattaching a severed limb or organ, or attaching a prosthesis.

Related Terms

  • Adhesion: The process of sticking or holding fast.
  • Attachment point: The specific location where a muscle or ligament attaches.
  • Reattachment: The process of rejoining something that has been severed or detached.

See Also

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