Arya Mitra Sharma

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Arya Mitra Sharma

Arya Mitra Sharma (pronunciation: /ˈɑːrjə ˈmiːtrə ˈʃɑːrmə/) is a renowned medical professional known for his significant contributions to the field of medicine.


The name 'Arya Mitra Sharma' is of Sanskrit origin. 'Arya' means 'noble' or 'honorable', 'Mitra' translates to 'friend', and 'Sharma' is a common surname in India, often used by the Brahmin community, meaning 'joy' or 'prosperity'.


Arya Mitra Sharma has made significant contributions to the field of medical science. His research and clinical work have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of various diseases and their treatments. He has also been a strong advocate for patient rights and has worked tirelessly to improve the quality of healthcare delivery.

Related Terms

  • Medicine: The science and practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases.
  • Disease: A particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism.
  • Healthcare: The organized provision of medical care to individuals or a community.
  • Brahmin: A varna (class) in Hinduism specializing as priests, teachers (acharya) and protectors of sacred learning across generations.
  • India: A country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by land area, the second-most populous country, and the most populous democracy in the world.
  • Sanskrit: A classical language of South Asia belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages.

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