Antibiotic sensitivity testing

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Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing

Antibiotic sensitivity testing or antimicrobial susceptibility testing is a laboratory method used to determine the efficacy of antibiotics against a specific bacteria or fungus. This test is crucial in the field of microbiology and clinical pathology to guide the treatment of infectious diseases.


An-ti-bi-ot-ic Sen-si-tiv-ity Test-ing


The term "antibiotic" is derived from the Greek words "anti" meaning against and "bios" meaning life. "Sensitivity" comes from the Latin "sensibilis" meaning able to feel or perceive. "Testing" is derived from the Old French "test" meaning small vessel.


The process of antibiotic sensitivity testing involves exposing a bacterial or fungal isolate to a series of antibiotic concentrations to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) that prevents visible growth of the organism. The MIC is then compared to standard susceptibility breakpoints to categorize the organism as susceptible, intermediate, or resistant to each antibiotic.

Related Terms

  • Disk diffusion test: A method used in antibiotic sensitivity testing where antibiotic-impregnated disks are placed on a bacterial lawn and the zone of inhibition is measured.
  • E-test: A quantitative method for antibiotic sensitivity testing that uses a plastic strip impregnated with a gradient of antibiotic concentrations.
  • Broth dilution test: A method used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of an antibiotic.
  • Antibiogram: A report that shows the susceptibility of an isolated bacterial strain to a series of antibiotics.

See Also

External links


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