Anna Petronella van Heerden

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Anna Petronella van Heerden (pronunciation: /ˈænə pɛˈtroʊnɛlə vɑːn ˈhɪərdən/) is a notable figure in the field of medicine. She was the first female doctor in South Africa, making significant contributions to the medical profession and women's rights in the country.


The name Anna is of Hebrew origin, meaning "grace". Petronella is a Dutch diminutive of the name Petronius, a Roman family name. Van Heerden is a common Dutch surname, meaning "from Heerden".

Early Life and Education

Anna Petronella van Heerden was born on 26th April 1887 in Bethlehem, Free State, South Africa. She completed her early education in her hometown before moving to Europe to pursue her medical studies. She graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 1919, becoming the first South African woman to qualify as a doctor.


After her graduation, van Heerden returned to South Africa and started her medical practice. She was known for her dedication to her patients and her commitment to improving healthcare in South Africa. She also played a significant role in the women's rights movement in the country, advocating for equal opportunities for women in the medical profession.


Anna Petronella van Heerden's contributions to medicine and women's rights have left a lasting impact on South Africa. Her pioneering role as the country's first female doctor has paved the way for many other women in the field.

Related Terms

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