American Society of Cytopathology

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American Society of Cytopathology

The American Society of Cytopathology (pronunciation: A-mer-i-can So-ci-ety of Cy-to-path-ol-o-gy) is a professional medical organization dedicated to the study of cytopathology.


The term "American Society of Cytopathology" is derived from the English language. "American" refers to the United States of America, "Society" denotes a group of individuals with a common interest, and "Cytopathology" is a branch of pathology that studies and diagnoses diseases on the cellular level.


The American Society of Cytopathology was established to promote the study of cytopathology, which involves the examination of cells from the body under a microscope to detect abnormalities that may indicate disease, such as cancer. The society provides a platform for professionals in the field to share knowledge, research findings, and best practices. It also offers educational resources and training opportunities for those interested in pursuing a career in cytopathology.

Related Terms

  • Cytopathology: The study of disease at the cellular level.
  • Pathology: The study of the causes and effects of diseases.
  • Cancer: A group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.

See Also

External links


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