American Journal of Therapeutics

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American Journal of Therapeutics

The American Journal of Therapeutics (Am J Ther) is a peer-reviewed medical journal that publishes original, high-quality clinical (Phase I-IV) research in the field of therapeutics. The journal is published bimonthly by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a division of Wolters Kluwer Health.


American Journal of Therapeutics: /əˈmɛrɪkən ˈdʒɝːnəl ʌv θɛrəˈpjuːtɪks/


The term "American Journal of Therapeutics" is derived from the English language. "American" refers to the United States of America, "Journal" is a term used to describe a publication of scholarly articles, and "Therapeutics" refers to the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Related Terms

  • Clinical trial: A research investigation involving human subjects that tests the safety and effectiveness of a medical strategy, treatment, or device.
  • Pharmacology: The branch of medicine and biology concerned with the study of drug action.
  • Therapy: Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.
  • Medical research: The study of health conditions to understand their causes and develop new strategies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and cure.

See Also

External links


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