Alimentary toxic aleukia

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Alimentary toxic aleukia (pronounced: al-i-men-tary tox-ic al-eu-kia) is a fatal disease caused by the ingestion of cereals, particularly overwintered wheat, contaminated with the toxic metabolites produced by the fungus Fusarium.


The term "alimentary" (from Latin alimentum, "nourishment") refers to the involvement of the alimentary tract. "Toxic" (from Ancient Greek τοξικόν, toxikon, "poison for arrows") indicates the poisonous nature of the disease. "Aleukia" (from Ancient Greek ἀ- a- "not" and λευκός leukos "white") refers to the decrease in white blood cells, a symptom of the disease.


The symptoms of alimentary toxic aleukia include fever, diarrhea, skin inflammation, and a decrease in white blood cells (leukopenia). In severe cases, it can lead to septicemia and death.


The disease is caused by the ingestion of cereals contaminated with the toxic metabolites of the fungus Fusarium, particularly Fusarium sporotrichioides. The toxins produced by this fungus, known as trichothecenes, are highly toxic and resistant to heat and other food processing methods.


Treatment of alimentary toxic aleukia involves supportive care, including hydration and treatment of symptoms. In severe cases, hospitalization may be required. Prevention involves proper storage of cereals to prevent fungal contamination.

Related Terms

  • Fusarium: A genus of fungi that includes species which can produce serious diseases in humans and animals.
  • Trichothecenes: A group of mycotoxins produced by various species of Fusarium.
  • Leukopenia: A decrease in the number of white blood cells in the blood.
  • Septicemia: A serious bloodstream infection that's also known as blood poisoning.

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