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Aetiological (pronounced: ee-tee-uh-loj-i-kuhl) is a term used in the field of medicine and psychology to describe the cause or origin of a disease or condition. The term is derived from the Greek word "aitiologia" which means "giving a reason for" (aitia, "cause" + -logia).


The term "aetiological" is derived from the Greek word "aitiologia". The prefix "aitio-" comes from "aitia", which means "cause" and the suffix "-logia" means "study of". Therefore, in a broad sense, aetiological refers to the study of causes or reasons.


In medicine, aetiological is used to describe the cause or origin of a disease or condition. For example, an aetiological factor is something that contributes to the cause of a disease or condition. In psychology, aetiological is used to describe the cause or origin of a mental disorder or condition.

Related Terms

  • Etiology: The science and study of the causes or origins of disease.
  • Pathogenesis: The development of unhealthy conditions or disease, or the cellular events and reactions that occur in the development of disease.
  • Epidemiology: The study and analysis of the distribution, patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations.

See Also

External links


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