Adriana Iliescu

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Adriana Iliescu (pronunciation: Ad-ree-ah-na Ee-lee-esh-koo) is a Romanian academic and novelist, best known for becoming the world's oldest woman to give birth at the age of 66 in 2005.


The name Adriana is of Latin origin, derived from the town of Hadria in northern Italy. Iliescu is a common Romanian surname, which is believed to be derived from the name Ilias, the Romanian form of Elijah.


Adriana Iliescu was born on May 18, 1938, in Romania. She is a retired university lecturer and author of children's books. Iliescu gained international attention when she gave birth to her daughter, Eliza, on January 16, 2005, through IVF treatment. This made her the oldest recorded woman to have given birth at the time.

Medical Context

Iliescu's pregnancy was made possible through the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART), specifically IVF. This involves the fertilization of an egg outside the body, which is then implanted into the woman's uterus. The use of ART, particularly in older women, has raised ethical and medical concerns, including the potential health risks to both the mother and child.

Related Terms

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