Adrenergic drug

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Adrenergic Drug

Adrenergic drugs (pronunciation: /æd.rəˈnɜːr.dʒɪk drʌɡ/) are a class of medications that are used to stimulate the adrenergic receptors in the human body. The term "adrenergic" is derived from the Greek words "adrenes" meaning 'near the kidney' and "ergon" meaning 'work'.


Adrenergic drugs are classified into two main categories: Adrenergic agonists and Adrenergic antagonists.

  • Adrenergic agonists are drugs that stimulate the adrenergic receptors. They are further divided into direct-acting, indirect-acting, and mixed-acting agonists.
  • Adrenergic antagonists are drugs that inhibit the action of adrenergic agonists. They are further divided into alpha and beta antagonists.

Mechanism of Action

Adrenergic drugs work by either stimulating or blocking the adrenergic receptors. These receptors are located on the cells of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and other organs. When these receptors are stimulated, they trigger a response that can include increased heart rate, constriction of blood vessels, and relaxation of smooth muscles in the lungs.


Adrenergic drugs are used in the treatment of various medical conditions including hypertension, asthma, heart failure, and shock. They can also be used in emergencies to treat severe allergic reactions.

Side Effects

Common side effects of adrenergic drugs can include increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and nervousness. More serious side effects can include heart palpitations, severe high blood pressure, and difficulty breathing.

See Also


  • Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12th Edition
  • Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review, 11th Edition

External links


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