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Adnexal (ad·nex·al)

Adnexal /ædˈnɛksəl/ refers to the appendages or accessory structures of an organ, particularly the uterus in the field of gynecology. The term is most commonly used to refer to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and associated ligaments.


The term "adnexal" is derived from the Latin word "adnexa", which means "connected to". It is used in medical terminology to denote structures that are connected or associated with a main body or organ.

Related Terms

  • Adnexa of uterus: The structures most commonly referred to as the adnexa of the uterus include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments that hold the uterus in place.
  • Adnexal mass: An adnexal mass is a lump in tissue of the adnexa of uterus. It can be benign or malignant.
  • Adnexal torsion: This is a medical emergency condition where the ovary and sometimes the fallopian tube twist around the ligaments that hold them in place.
  • Adnexectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the adnexa of the uterus.

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