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Admissible (/ədˈmɪsəbəl/), in the context of medical terminology, refers to a condition or circumstance that is acceptable or allowable within the parameters of a medical procedure or treatment. The term is derived from the Latin word "admissibilis", meaning 'allowable' or 'permissible'.


In medical practice, the term 'admissible' is often used to describe a patient's condition or a particular treatment that is deemed acceptable or suitable. For instance, a patient may be considered 'admissible' for a specific surgical procedure if they meet certain health criteria. Similarly, a treatment may be 'admissible' if it is considered safe and effective for a particular condition.

Related Terms

  • Admission (medicine): The process of admitting a patient to a hospital or other healthcare facility for treatment.
  • Admissibility (evidence): In legal terms, this refers to the acceptability of evidence in court, which can include medical records or expert testimony.
  • Admissible evidence (medicine): This refers to medical evidence that is considered valid and reliable in the context of a clinical trial or research study.

See Also

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