Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

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Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia (pronunciation: a-kyoot meh-guh-kar-ee-oh-blas-tik loo-kee-mee-uh) is a rare subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that affects the megakaryocytes in the bone marrow.


The term "Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia" is derived from the Greek words "akutos" (meaning sharp or sudden), "megas" (meaning large), "karyon" (meaning nucleus), "blastos" (meaning germ or sprout), and "leukos" (meaning white). The term "leukemia" is derived from the Greek words "leukos" (meaning white) and "haima" (meaning blood).


Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia is a form of leukemia where a majority of the blasts are megakaryoblastic. It is characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal megakaryocytes in the bone marrow, which interferes with the production of normal blood cells.


Symptoms of Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia may include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, easy bruising and bleeding, and frequent infections due to the lack of normal blood cells.


Diagnosis of Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia typically involves blood tests, bone marrow tests, and sometimes genetic testing to identify specific mutations associated with this type of leukemia.


Treatment for Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia typically involves chemotherapy, and in some cases, stem cell transplantation. The specific treatment plan will depend on a variety of factors, including the patient's overall health, age, and the specific characteristics of the leukemia.


The prognosis for Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia varies widely, depending on a variety of factors, including the patient's age, overall health, and the specific characteristics of the leukemia.

See Also

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