Acute interstitial pneumonitis

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Acute Interstitial Pneumonitis

Acute interstitial pneumonitis (AIP), also known as Hamman-Rich syndrome, is a rare, severe lung disease that usually affects otherwise healthy individuals. Pronounced as a-kyoot in-ter-stish-al noo-muh-ni-tis, the term originates from the Latin words 'acutus' meaning sharp or pointed, 'interstitium' referring to an intervening space, and 'pneumonitis' derived from the Greek word 'pneumon' meaning lung.


Acute interstitial pneumonitis is a rapidly progressive, non-infectious lung disease. It is characterized by the inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue, specifically the interstitium, which is the tissue and space around the air sacs.


The symptoms of Acute interstitial pneumonitis include rapid breathing, shortness of breath, and a dry, non-productive cough. Other symptoms may include fatigue, weight loss, and fever.


The exact cause of Acute interstitial pneumonitis is unknown. However, it is thought to be related to an overactive immune response. It is not associated with smoking or any specific environmental exposures.


Diagnosis of Acute interstitial pneumonitis is often challenging due to its rarity and its similarity to other lung diseases. It is typically diagnosed through a combination of clinical history, physical examination, imaging studies, and sometimes lung biopsy.


Treatment for Acute interstitial pneumonitis typically involves high-dose corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. In severe cases, supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation may be required.


The prognosis for Acute interstitial pneumonitis is generally poor, with a high mortality rate. However, some patients may respond to treatment and experience a full recovery.

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