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Acromioplasty (pronounced: a-kro-me-o-plas-tee) is a surgical procedure performed to reshape the acromion in the shoulder. The procedure is often performed to relieve shoulder impingement symptoms.


The term "acromioplasty" is derived from the Greek words "akron" meaning "peak", "omos" meaning "shoulder", and "plasty" meaning "molding or formation".


Acromioplasty is often performed arthroscopically, using a small camera called an arthroscope to guide the surgeon. The surgeon reshapes the acromion to allow for more space for the rotator cuff, reducing the pressure on the muscles and tendons in the area. This can help to alleviate pain and improve the range of motion in the shoulder.


Acromioplasty is typically indicated for patients with impingement syndrome, a condition where the tendons of the rotator cuff become compressed between the acromion and the humeral head. This can cause pain, inflammation, and limited mobility in the shoulder.

Related Terms

  • Arthroscopy: A minimally invasive surgical procedure on a joint in which an examination and sometimes treatment of damage is performed using an arthroscope.
  • Impingement syndrome: A common condition affecting the shoulder often seen in aging adults.
  • Rotator cuff: A group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the head of your upper arm bone firmly within the shallow socket of the shoulder.
  • Acromion: The highest point of the shoulder that is part of the scapula and forms the highest point of the shoulder.
  • Humeral head: The ball-like part of the upper arm bone that fits into the socket of the shoulder blade to form the shoulder joint.

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