Absorption spectrum

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Absorption Spectrum

The Absorption Spectrum (pronounced: ab-sorp-shun spec-trum) is a scientific term used in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and biology, particularly in the study of light and its interaction with matter.


The term "Absorption Spectrum" is derived from the Latin word "absorptio" meaning "suck in" and the Greek word "σπεκτρον" (spektron) meaning "appearance" or "spectacle". It refers to the spectrum of light, which is absorbed by a substance, leaving dark lines or bands where the light has been absorbed.


An Absorption Spectrum is a graph or diagram that shows the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by a material. The material could be an atom, a molecule, or a compound. The spectrum is unique for each substance, thus it can be used to identify the substance or to study its properties.

Related Terms

  • Spectrum: The entire range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Emission Spectrum: The spectrum of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation emitted by an atom or other entity.
  • Electromagnetic Radiation: Waves of the electromagnetic field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy.
  • Wavelength: The spatial period of a wave—the distance over which the wave's shape repeats.
  • Photon: A type of elementary particle, the quantum of the electromagnetic field including electromagnetic radiation such as light.


In medicine, the Absorption Spectrum is used in various diagnostic techniques such as Spectroscopy and Phototherapy. It is also used in the study of photosynthesis in plants, in the analysis of minerals and chemicals, and in many other scientific researches.

See Also

External links


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