Abiraterone Acetate

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Abiraterone Acetate
TermAbiraterone Acetate
Short definitionAbiraterone Acetate (A-bih-RA-teh-rone A-seh-tayt) medicine used with other medicines to treat prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. Abiraterone acetate is used under the brand name Zytiga to treat patients whose cancer is castration-resistant (has not responded to treatments to lower testosterone levels) or whose cancer is at high risk and castration-sensitive (has responded to treatments to lower testosterone levels). 
TypeCancer terms

Abiraterone Acetate - (pronounced) (A-bih-RA-teh-rone A-seh-tayt) medicine used with other medicines to treat prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. Abiraterone acetate is used under the brand name Zytiga to treat patients whose cancer is castration-resistant (has not responded to treatments to lower testosterone levels) or whose cancer is at high risk and castration-sensitive (has responded to treatments to lower testosterone levels). It is also used under the brand name Yonsa to treat patients whose cancer is resistant to castration. Abiraterone acetate is also being studied to treat other types of cancer. It lowers the amount of androgens (male hormones) like testosterone produced by the body. This can stop the growth of cancer cells that need androgens to grow. Abiraterone acetate is a type of antiandrogen

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