AHIP (trade association)

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AHIP (trade association)

AHIP (pronounced A-H-I-P), or America's Health Insurance Plans, is a national trade association representing the interests of health insurance companies in the United States.


The acronym AHIP stands for America's Health Insurance Plans. The organization was formed in 2003 through the merger of two other health insurance trade associations, the Health Insurance Association of America and the American Association of Health Plans.

Related Terms

  • Health insurance: A type of insurance coverage that pays for medical and surgical expenses incurred by the insured.
  • Trade association: An organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry.
  • Health Insurance Association of America: A former trade association of health insurance companies, which merged with the American Association of Health Plans to form AHIP.
  • American Association of Health Plans: A former trade association of health insurance companies, which merged with the Health Insurance Association of America to form AHIP.


AHIP is typically pronounced as an acronym, with each letter spoken separately: "A-H-I-P".


AHIP serves as a unified voice for the health insurance industry, advocating for public policies that expand access to affordable health care coverage. It also provides resources and support to its member companies, including research, advocacy, and public affairs services.

External links


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