2014 Odisha hepatitis outbreak

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2014 Odisha Hepatitis Outbreak

The 2014 Odisha Hepatitis Outbreak refers to a significant health crisis that occurred in the Indian state of Odisha in 2014. This outbreak was characterized by a sudden increase in the number of cases of Hepatitis, a group of diseases characterized by inflammation of the liver.


The term is pronounced as O-di-sha Hep-a-ti-tis Out-break.


The term "Odisha" is derived from the ancient Prakrit word "Odda Visaya" as in the Tirumalai inscription of Rajendra Chola I, which is dated to 1025. "Hepatitis" comes from the Greek hepar (ἧπαρ), meaning 'liver', and the Latin itis, meaning 'inflammation'. "Outbreak" is an English term that refers to a sudden occurrence of something unwelcome, such as a disease.

Related Terms


In 2014, Odisha experienced a significant outbreak of Hepatitis, primarily Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. The outbreak was concentrated in the Sambalpur district, where poor sanitation and contaminated water sources contributed to the rapid spread of the disease. The Government of Odisha and various health organizations responded to the outbreak with increased healthcare services and public health interventions, including vaccination campaigns and improvements to local sanitation.

See Also

External links


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