108 (emergency telephone number)

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108 (emergency telephone number)

108 is a free emergency telephone number system in some countries, which allows people to contact emergency services for urgent assistance.


In English, it is pronounced as "one-zero-eight" or "one-oh-eight".


The number 108 has significance in several Eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, which may have influenced its selection as an emergency number. However, the specific reasons for choosing 108 as an emergency number vary by country and are often not publicly documented.


In countries that use 108 as an emergency number, callers can dial it to reach emergency services such as police, fire, and ambulance services. The call is free, and can be dialed from any phone, including mobile phones, even if the phone has no SIM card or the SIM card is locked.


Countries that currently use 108 as an emergency number include India, Sri Lanka, and certain states in the United States. In India, the 108 Emergency Response Service is operated by the Emergency Management and Research Institute (EMRI).

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