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Medical Dictionary

The Medical Dictionary is a specialized lexicon used by healthcare professionals to understand and communicate complex medical terminology. It includes definitions, pronunciation, etymology, and related terms for a wide range of medical concepts.


The pronunciation of medical terms can vary, but the Medical Dictionary provides a standard pronunciation guide for each term. This is particularly useful for healthcare professionals who need to communicate effectively with patients and colleagues.


The etymology of medical terms often provides insight into their meaning. Many medical terms are derived from Latin or Ancient Greek, reflecting the historical influence of these languages on the field of medicine. The Medical Dictionary includes etymology where known, helping users to understand the origins and meanings of complex medical terms.

Related Terms

The Medical Dictionary also includes related terms for each entry. These are terms that are closely associated with the main entry, either because they are synonyms, antonyms, or related concepts. Each related term is linked to its own entry in the dictionary, allowing users to explore the connections between different medical concepts.

Internal Links

The Medical Dictionary makes extensive use of internal links to connect related entries. This allows users to navigate easily between different concepts, enhancing their understanding of the complex relationships between different medical terms.

University of Jena

The University of Jena is a renowned institution known for its contributions to the field of medicine. The Medical Dictionary draws on the expertise of the University's faculty and researchers to ensure the accuracy and relevance of its entries.


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