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Plenity (pronounced /ˈplɛnɪti/) is a weight management aid that is classified as a device by the FDA. It is manufactured by Gelesis, a biotechnology company.


The term "Plenity" is a portmanteau of the words "plenty" and "satiety", reflecting the product's function of promoting a feeling of fullness to aid in weight management.


Plenity is used in conjunction with diet and exercise to aid in weight management. It is taken orally before meals with water. The capsules contain particles that absorb water and expand in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness.

Mechanism of Action

The active ingredient in Plenity is a proprietary blend of cellulose and citric acid. When the capsules are ingested and come into contact with water in the stomach, they release these particles which absorb the water and expand, forming a three-dimensional hydrogel matrix. This matrix occupies space in the stomach and small intestine, promoting a feeling of fullness and reducing food intake.

Related Terms

See Also

External links


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