John Karefa-Smart

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John Karefa-Smart

John Karefa-Smart (pronunciation: /dʒɒn kəˈrɛfə smɑːrt/) was a prominent Sierra Leonean politician and medical doctor. He was born on 26th June 1915 and died on 25th August 2010.


The name "John" is of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is gracious". "Karefa-Smart" is a Sierra Leonean surname. The etymology of "Karefa-Smart" is not well-documented.


John Karefa-Smart was born in Rotifunk, Moyamba District, in the British Sierra Leone. He was educated at the Albert Academy in Freetown, Sierra Leone, before proceeding to study medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. He later earned a Master's degree in Public Health from Harvard University, USA.

Karefa-Smart began his career as a medical officer in the Colonial Service, serving in various parts of Sierra Leone. He later transitioned into politics, serving as Sierra Leone's Minister of Lands, Mines, and Labour, and later as the Minister of External Affairs. He was also the leader of the United National People's Party (UNPP).

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