China Three Gorges University

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China Three Gorges University

China Three Gorges University (pronunciation: Chīnā Thrēē Gōrgēs Yūnīvērsītē, etymology: Named after the Three Gorges region in China) is a comprehensive university in Yichang City, Hubei Province, China.


China Three Gorges University was established in June 2000, merging the former University of Hydraulic & Electric Engineering/Yichang and Hubei Three Gorges University. The university is located near the world's largest hydroelectric project, the Three Gorges Dam.


The university offers a wide range of programs and courses including engineering, medicine, liberal arts, economics, and management. It is particularly renowned for its medical education and research.

Medical Education

The university's School of Medicine offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various medical disciplines. The school is known for its strong faculty and state-of-the-art facilities.


The university campus is located in Yichang City, Hubei Province, China. It is situated near the world-famous Three Gorges Dam.

Notable Alumni

Many graduates of China Three Gorges University have gone on to make significant contributions in various fields, particularly in medicine and engineering.

See Also

External links


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Languages: - East Asian 中文, 日本, 한국어, South Asian हिन्दी, Urdu, বাংলা, తెలుగు, தமிழ், ಕನ್ನಡ,
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