School health

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School Health

School health (pronunciation: /skuːl hɛlθ/) is a field of health practice that involves the application of health principles in a school setting. It is a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses various aspects of health and wellness in the school environment.


The term "school health" is derived from the English words "school", meaning an institution for educating children, and "health", meaning the state of being free from illness or injury.


School health is a comprehensive program designed to promote optimal health and well-being among school-aged children and adolescents. It involves a combination of health education, health services, and a healthy school environment.

Related Terms

  • Health Education: This is a profession of educating people about health. In the context of school health, it involves teaching students about healthy behaviors and how to make informed decisions about their health.
  • School Nurse: A school nurse is a registered nurse who specializes in the care of students in a school setting. They play a crucial role in the implementation of school health programs.
  • Health Promotion: This is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. In a school setting, health promotion might involve initiatives to encourage physical activity, healthy eating, and mental well-being among students.
  • Public Health: This is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. School health is a component of public health, focusing specifically on the health of students and school communities.
  • Child Health: This is a multidisciplinary field which deals with the well-being and health care of children. School health is a subset of child health, focusing on the health of children in a school setting.

See Also

External links


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