Pityriasis rotunda

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Pityriasis Rotunda

Pityriasis rotunda (pronunciation: pit-uh-rye-uh-sis roh-tuhn-duh) is a rare, chronic skin condition characterized by perfectly circular, scaly patches.


The term "Pityriasis" is derived from the Greek word "pityron", which means bran, referring to the scaly nature of the condition. "Rotunda" is a Latin term meaning round, referring to the characteristic round patches seen in this condition.


The primary symptom of Pityriasis rotunda is the presence of large, perfectly round, scaly patches on the skin. These patches are typically found on the trunk, arms, and legs. The patches are usually asymptomatic, meaning they do not cause any discomfort or itching.


The exact cause of Pityriasis rotunda is unknown. However, it has been associated with certain systemic diseases such as cancer, liver disease, and malnutrition. It is also more common in certain ethnic groups, particularly those of Asian or African descent.


Diagnosis of Pityriasis rotunda is typically made based on the characteristic appearance of the skin lesions. A skin biopsy may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and rule out other skin conditions.


There is no specific treatment for Pityriasis rotunda. Treatment is typically aimed at managing any underlying conditions and improving the appearance of the skin. Topical corticosteroids and moisturizers may be used to help manage the condition.

Related Terms

  • Dermatology: The branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases.
  • Skin lesion: A part of the skin that has an abnormal growth or appearance compared to the skin around it.
  • Biopsy: A procedure that involves taking a small sample of tissue for examination under a microscope.

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