Peer review

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Peer review

Peer review (pronounced: /piːr rɪˈvjuː/) is a process used in academic and professional fields to ensure the quality and validity of published work. It involves the evaluation of work by one or more people with similar competencies.


The term "peer review" originates from the mid-20th century. The word "peer" comes from the Latin par, meaning "equal", indicating that the review is carried out by individuals of similar competence and expertise. The word "review" is derived from the Latin revidere, meaning "to see again", signifying a thorough examination or assessment.


The peer review process typically involves an anonymous panel of experts in the same field who evaluate the work for its validity, significance, and originality. The reviewers provide feedback and recommendations, which can lead to the work being accepted, rejected, or requiring revisions before publication.

Types of Peer Review

There are several types of peer review, including single-blind review, double-blind review, and open review. The type of review used can depend on the field of study, the nature of the work, and the specific policies of the publishing entity.

Related Terms

  • Single-blind review: A type of peer review where the reviewers know the identity of the author(s), but the author(s) do not know the identity of the reviewers.
  • Double-blind review: A type of peer review where neither the reviewers nor the author(s) know each other's identities.
  • Open review: A type of peer review where the identities of both the reviewers and the author(s) are known to each other.
  • Post-publication review: A process where a work is evaluated by the wider academic community after it has been published.
  • Preprint: A version of a scientific paper that precedes formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal.

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