Parasitic worm

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Parasitic worm

Parasitic worms, also known as helminths (== Template:IPA ==

The Template:IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is a system of phonetic notation based primarily on the Latin alphabet. It was devised by the International Phonetic Association in the late 19th century as a standardized representation of the sounds of spoken language.


The pronunciation of the term "IPA" is /aɪ piː eɪ/ in English.


The term "IPA" is an acronym for the International Phonetic Alphabet. The International Phonetic Association, founded in 1886, created the IPA to provide a single, universal system for the transcription of spoken language.

Related Terms

  • Phonetic notation: A system used to visually represent the sounds of speech. The IPA is one type of phonetic notation.
  • Phonetics: The study of the physical sounds of human speech. It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds (phonemes), and the processes of their physiological production, auditory reception, and neurophysiological perception.
  • Phonology: The study of the way sounds function within a particular language or languages. While phonetics concerns the physical production, acoustic transmission and perception of the sounds of speech, phonology describes the way sounds function within a particular language or languages.
  • Transcription (linguistics): The systematic representation of spoken language in written form. The source of the words transcribe and transcription, the term means "to write across" in Latin, and it's the process of converting spoken language into written form. In linguistics, this is often done using the IPA.

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Languages: - East Asian 中文, 日本, 한국어, South Asian हिन्दी, Urdu, বাংলা, తెలుగు, தமிழ், ಕನ್ನಡ,
Southeast Asian Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, မြန်မာဘာသာ, European español, Deutsch, français, русский, português do Brasil, Italian, polski), are large macro-parasites, which as adults can generally be seen with the naked eye. They are often transmitted via contaminated food, water, soil, or through the use of certain vectors.


The term "helminth" comes from the Greek word 'helmins' (ἕλμινς), which means worm. The term "parasitic" is derived from the Greek word 'parasitos' (παράσιτος), meaning "one who eats at the table of another" and hence, "parasite".

Types of Parasitic Worms

There are three main types of parasitic worms:

1. Roundworms (Nematoda): These are cylindrical in shape and include species such as the hookworm, pinworm, and ascaris.

2. Flatworms (Platyhelminthes): These include species such as the tapeworm and fluke.

3. Thorny-headed worms (Acanthocephala): These are less common and are characterized by their spiny heads.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of a parasitic worm involves several stages, from egg to adult. The exact stages can vary depending on the species of worm, but generally include an egg stage, several larval stages, and an adult stage. The worms can live in the host's body for several years, causing various health problems.

Symptoms and Treatment

Symptoms of parasitic worm infection can vary greatly depending on the type of worm and the location of the infection. Common symptoms can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and fatigue. Treatment typically involves antiparasitic medication.


Prevention of parasitic worm infections involves good hygiene practices, such as washing hands regularly, cooking food thoroughly, and avoiding contaminated water sources.

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