Dysplastic nevus

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Dysplastic nevus
TermDysplastic nevus
Short definitiondysplastic nevus - (pronounced) (dis-PLAS-tik NEE-vus) specific type of nevus (birthmark) that looks different from a regular birthmark. Dysplastic nevi are usually flat and often larger than normal moles and have irregular borders. 
TypeCancer terms

dysplastic nevus - (pronounced) (dis-PLAS-tik NEE-vus) specific type of nevus (birthmark) that looks different from a regular birthmark. Dysplastic nevi are usually flat and often larger than normal moles and have irregular borders. A dysplastic nevus can contain different colors ranging from pink to dark brown. Parts of the mole can be raised above the surface of the skin. A dysplastic nevus can develop into melanoma (a type of skin cancer), and the more dysplastic nevi a person has, the higher the risk of melanoma. A dysplastic nevus is sometimes called an atypical birthmark

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